
Mr. Ramirez

I am in a new media class and I am in 9th grade and I'm sexy and I know it.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Working notebook

The working notebook is the daily notebook taken to class. It holds all the paper and information needed each day. Any three-ring binder can serve as a working notebook; the nylon zippered type tends to last longer. Your working notebook should contain:

  • A portable three-hole punch
  • A zippered pouch with three holes to hold highlighters, pencils, pens,clips, "sticky notes" , and other small supplies
  • section dividers for each subject labeled homework, notes, handouts, and quizzes/tests
 An assignment book
these items are available 
One working notebook for all of your child's classes might be too large for some students, especially if they are in high school. Two medium-size notebooks with two or three subject in each is an alternative to one large notebook. morning classes might be placed in another.
Whichever alternative note above that you choose, the important thing is that on a daily basis, you should date, three-hole punch, and file any of his school papers under the appropriate divider for each subject. You should also note assignments in detail in his assignment book.
Next Tuesday, November 5,  bring all your work from all classes in order to show the organize your binder, folders, notebooks, ect. so you need to come prepared 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Prompt 4

Prompt 4
Thanks to the internet, people have more access to more information than at any other time in history. People can instantly find information on almost any topic in the time it takes to type a couple of words and click a mouse. But we often know little about the source of this information, including its reliability and the qualifications of the person who wrote it. If we don't know its resource, information is not much good to us. 

  1. Do people need to know the source of any information before they use it?
Yes, people know information about a source before using it, because they don't know what they are getting into or if the information is accurate.

2. Plan and write an essay in which you develop your own point of view on the issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observation.
       I think that people should know about the information they are searching up, because what if you are searching up information on a project and you got to a website you have no idea ever existed but it has information on your topic. You should never engage in a website you have no idea about they could be giving you made up information or information that has not been proven correct or incorrect. You should either use websites suggested by someone who knows the site rather than taking it a pond yourself. Another reason a website might want you to log into their website is to give you viruses so watch out.